Event Organized by:
Empire Medical Training
Learn More about Empire Medical TrainingThe population suffering from unwanted leg veins is approximately (80) million individuals who are predominantly women. Eighty percent of these individuals are asymptomatic and are candidates for Cosmetic Sclerotherapy via injection by FDA Approved Sclerosants or with laser light energies that work equally well. What makes Cosmetic Sclerotherapy attractive to Physicians and aesthetic practices is that it is now relatively painless with long-term results as compared to other sclerosing vein treatments in the past. Additionally, many physicians will delegate these aesthetic procedures turning what otherwise is a cost center into a profit center within their practice.
The popularity of Cosmetic Sclerotherapy within Aesthetics has grown significantly over the past (7) years with patients who are more self-educated with the efficacy of newer cosmetic sclerotherapy methods, safety profiles associated with the procedure. Cosmetic Sclerotherapy has a low cost of entry for physicians and has no real capital cost associated with the injections which makes it the perfect addition to any aesthetic practice. Newer technologies also enhance cosmetic sclerotherapy treatments including affordable vein lights and natural supplements (Bilberry, Horse Chestnut, etc.) for patients. Sclerotherapy has been offered for over 50 years but only recently with the introduction of sclerosing agents and improved light energy devices has the popularity grown due to increased patient satisfaction with the results.
The procedure typically is billed at (15) minute intervals and allows for physicians to realize a professional fee between ($160-$200) per interval whether by injection or by laser light energies. Patients are amazed at the results and physicians now are able to offer an aesthetic solution for vein indications that affect approximately 40% of their female patient population.
Empire Medical Training is the recognized leader in continuing medical education and Sclerotherapy Training for Physicians, Nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Empire Medical Training is the only full-time, private education institute specializing in Aesthetic, Regenerative, Medical, and Interventional Pain Management Training for the past 24 years. Our CME (AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM) Accredited Cosmetic Sclerotherapy Workshop prepares all attendees in the safe administration of venous sclerosing therapies. Offering Vein Care Management Services to patients immediately creates significant income within your practice.
Empire’s Cosmetic Sclerotherapy Training will prepare you to safely administer FDA Approved sclerosants for candidates suffering from unwanted veins including reticular veins and telangiectasias (spider veins) and the management of these unwanted veins after treatment. The course will be taught by Empire’s faculty of board-certified physicians where you will receive the latest protocols, the standard of care considerations, best practices, and up-to-date information for administering Cosmetic Sclerotherapy by injection or with laser light energies. Learn to recognize venous disorders, diagnostic testing available, mechanism of action in eliminating unwanted asymptomatic veins, relative and absolute contraindications, managing adverse events, and injection pearls from physician specialists that perform these vein procedures within their own practices. The hands-on training in the afternoon allows attendees to utilize FDA sclerosants on live patients as well as a demonstration using laser light energies to ensure you feel completely comfortable offering these services after the workshop.
Empire Medical Training utilizes a unique, proprietary method for teaching, Empire utilizes low teacher-to-patient ratios for the hands-on portion of the program allowing more personalized training during the hands-on training sessions with patients. A Certificate of Completion is awarded to all attendees who successfully complete the program and exhibit proficiency during the hands-on portion of the program. Attendees will also receive access to full-color manuals, videos, intake forms, treatment forms, and informed consents for attendees to immediately integrate these new procedures immediately after completion of the training. Join your fellow colleagues today by incorporating Cosmetic Sclerotherapy within your practice and enjoy the additional benefits, enhanced patient care, and incremental revenue for years to come.
Event Organized by:
Empire Medical Training
Date: Jul 14 2024
The well being and aesthetics industry is growing rapidly which means selecting right training is more important than ever. Botox training courses must keep pace with the standards and regulations in the industry to ensure patient safety. In the anti-aging market the injectable serum, Botulinum Toxin more commonly known as Botox, has become one of the top procedures for the effective treatment of fine lines and wrinkles. Once the preserve of the rich and famous, this wonder-treatment now has a long track record of success and safety making it a highly desirable procedure for a more youthful and healthy appearance.
If you are considering becoming a Botox clinician you will want the best Botox training available today, training that gives you a full understanding of the product and how to administer it safely with outstanding results for your clients every time. Aesthetic Education, promotes Botox Courses that are at the leading edge of training in aesthetics procedures with the best qualification for doctors, nurses and dentists, courses that are superior in meeting the guidelines which all practitioners must adhere to. The depth of learning and hands-on practice will equip you and your teams with the knowledge and experience you need to be fully regulated and confident to deliver safe and outstanding services at your practice.
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